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Date: 09/17/13 - 5:27 AM
Added by: HRBertram
Dimensions: 960 x 571 pixels
Filesize: 178.93Kb
Comments: 2
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The freeboard is similar to the classic 13's, in this boat the wide beam and light weight allows the it to rise over waves and wakes better than the 13's. The high and wide bow does a good job at keeping large seas out. To keep steep water from breaching the gunwales, you need to approach steep water either head on or at up to a 45 degree angle from the bow. So far I haven't had more than light spray in the boat, the low transom and splash well bulkhead, combined with a throttle punch, would allow most of a swamping to go over the transom (I've done this in my Eastport a few times when I've stuffed the bow on a large/steep sea), the 1100 GPH bilge pump would take care of the remainder.