Unfortunately and I apologize for failing to take pictures of the transom after removing the tab's and during the use of the different fixtures for the repairs. For that reason I've had to use these and similar picture for some repair descriptions. I coated the O.D. of the inserts with the epoxy with a strict amount and then carefully positioned and pressed the assembly in till Aluminum plate was flush with transom. I let the epoxy cure for a week before removing fasteners and fixture. I had sprayed the fasteners and the fixtures with mold release agent to prevent them from bonding to inserts and transom. The epoxy overlap was minimal but perfect around the inserts flange surface (I previously mentioned I had counter-sunk the re-drilled holes for the purpose of allowing the epoxy room for post flow). A light sanding process then buff & wax and the holes looked like O.E.M. installs.
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Date: 11/02/10 - 3:09 PM
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