Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: 13' trailer question

Posted by RyanF on 05/11/09 - 12:28 PM

Can someone tell me the correct center-to-center distance between the wood bunks on a trailer for an older (1969) 13 ft? I tore my trailer completely appart to repaint and now can't remember where the brackets for the bunks were mounted. My trailer frame has lots of holes punched to allow brackets to mount to various locations for different applications. Knowing the right center-to-center distance would save me the time and effort of figuring this out by trial and error.

Also, should the bunks mostly support the hull, or should it mostly rest on the rubber keel rollers, or does it not make a difference?

Thanks for your assistance and happy boating

Posted by Troy on 05/11/09 - 1:11 PM

I can't help you with the measurements as I don't have a 13, but the weight should be primarily on the keel rollers with the bunks as support. You should be able to find the natural sweet spot for the bunks based on the configuration of the bottom of your boat. Good luck!

Posted by moose on 05/11/09 - 1:43 PM

As Troy said, the weight should be on the keel rollers. You have two "fins" on the bottom of the hull. My bunks are just outside of those, even touching, or right up against them. You could leave a little room and be good. It's easy to shift the boat over a bit manually if necessary if you load it crooked.

Posted by CES on 05/11/09 - 4:59 PM

The trailer for my 1966 13' is as follows:

I have four bunks. As was stated above, most of the weight of my Whaler is on the keel rollers. The two inside bunks are about 5 inches either side of the drain hole on the boat. The outer bunks are about 15 inches either side of the drain hole on the boat and are sitting just on the outside of the two skegs on the hull.

Hope this helped.