Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Battery Box Relocate
Posted by dmrose on 07/01/06 - 7:41 PM
I Just finished thoroughly cleaning and going over every inch of my new-to-me Montauk. It was absolutely filthy and I'm astonished at the quality of the boat under all of that caked on dirt.
The whole time I was inspecting and cleaning the boat I kept eyeing that battery box in the stern, port corner of the floor and realized that it would be my next project to mount that thing in the console. I was unable to find any "how to" threads on this site. Does anyone have experience doing this, and is the project relatively simple? Thanks for any and all input!
Dylan Rose
Seattle, Wa.
Posted by Joe Kriz on 07/01/06 - 9:12 PM
For the record, I would recommend putting the battery in the console of the Montauk also.
I do NOT recommend putting the batteries in the console on the Outrage though...
The Montauk is a smaller boat and more floor space is needed.
It is relatively simple.
Get wires of the appropriate size to run from the engine to the console.
Do not extend the wires that are already there. Make or get new ones the correct length.
Many people cut a hole in the floorboard of the console so the battery will actually sit on the floor of the boat instead of the console. Put it in one of the corners as opposed to the center of the console. This way you will still have some console space left. Also, use a battery cover on the battery and you can still put some stuff in there. Just make sure you don't put anything worth value in there that can be destroyed by battery acid.... just in case of leaks, boiling battery, etc...
I had two batteries in the console of my prior Montauk and there were no holes cut in the floorboard. I never had a problem with the floorboard breaking but many other people have.
If you can pull or rope start your engine in an emergency, then I don't feel there is a need for two batteries... Only one battery is necessary. If your engine model is the type that has no provision for emergency rope starting, then you might consider two batteries if you go offshore or boat in remote places...
Posted by dmrose on 07/01/06 - 9:26 PM
Thanks for the good info. Cutting a hole in the floor of the console is a little frightening I must admit.
Currently my boat is setup with a small battery for the 8 horse kicker in the console and the 90 horse Yam is using the big battery in the stern. I should probably just condense the two into one and go from there.
Thanks and take care.
Posted by MW on 07/02/06 - 3:17 AM
It's amazing how far these boats come back to life after a good cleaning, I've been eyeing up a 17' Montauk on the creek by my house, it's missing a console and looks ratty (dirt), every time I pass it, I day dream about building a nice console (old style) and fixing her up, I'm sure everyone else does the same when they pass the boat. A nice 22' Whaler that was on the creek but did'nt move much (been looking at it for years) was hauled last month, and a "for sale" sign was put on it in the driveway, by lunch time it was sold, and carted away, with a guy grinning ear to ear hauling the trailer, LOL . With fuel prices so crazy, there are a lot of 17' 15' and 13' Whalers prowling the Bay sipping the fuel efficiently, and still giving us fun. When I first bought the boat, everyone said that it was too small........ "who's the king NOW" ? Good Luck with your "Pre-owned" Whaler, it's the best way to buy them, ENJOY THE BOAT, WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "WHALERS" and W/C, mine is a 1976 15' sport model (someone over 30 that you can still trust) !