Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Engine shopping !! Engine blew a Rod !!

Posted by rbritdu on 08/11/08 - 4:35 PM

Well , I blew a rod this weekend in the 1986 200 Mariner !! A bit of a bummer !! What do i get now ? It was on my 1979 v22 outrage .. Do I stay with Merc?? E Tec ?? How are engines selling these days ?? Any ideas ??? Why do engines Blow rods ?? Is it just age ??? please chime in !!!! Bob

Posted by Binkie on 08/11/08 - 7:28 PM

As I remember it was quite common for those `80s era Black Max`s to throw rods even when fairly new or new. Yours lasted quite a while. I would part it out, and get a late model outboard, from a freshwater region.


Posted by moose on 08/12/08 - 6:17 AM

I repowered with a new injected 2 stroke and don't regret it a bit. A mechanic said if he had to rely on repairs of any of the newer engines he would go broke. We all have our preferences. I'd say go with a dealer nearby that you trust.

Posted by joninnj on 08/12/08 - 5:14 PM

Hi Bob,

Sorry to hear about your dilemma... I had the Merc version for this engine, ran it for 20 years, no internal problems. I have never heard of this problem throwing rods on that V6, but this could be... That basic design was in use from the mid 70's to the 90's... I know of someone who ran out of oil at WOT until it died... It then ran for years after that episode this with no issues... His oil hoses cracked inside the cowl.. :o

Anyway unfortunately things like a thrown rod happen with 2 strokes. They take a lot of abuse compared to 4 strokes. Since it is over 20 years old probably does not make sense to replace the power head. Sell it for parts.

You may find a bargain on a good used one (kind of like buying a Hummer today)

I have owned many Merc's and several Yamie, like them both. A new 200 with run you over 12K plus rigging.

good luck

Posted by duf on 08/13/08 - 2:55 PM

i don't know that much about outboards, but to me, if you got almost 23 years of use out of a motor, that's pretty dang good.

Duf B)