Posted by Monsoon on 10/14/07 - 4:57 PM
I took the gauge panels off the console today and plan to refinish them both as the paint has come off in certain areas. What would be the best way to take the remaining old paint off without damaging the aluminum? I aslo realize that powdercoating would be best in terms of refinish; however, is there liquid paint that would also do the trick in the longterm?
Posted by sraab928 on 10/15/07 - 3:29 AM
You could either use stripper or sand it off. Just be careful if you chose sanding as you dont want to create imperfections in the aluminum. Black is a tough color as it shows any defects in material and finish. If you don't want to go the powder coat route then maybe you should probably etch prime it and coat it with a good outdoor paint made for metal such as Rustolueom. If it were my boat I would go to the powder coater.
Posted by Jeff on 10/15/07 - 7:12 AM
Give them a good wet sand with 400 grit paper. Once you have them good and sanded wash them with a water and TSP solution. Let them dry and wipe them down with lacquer thinner. Spray them with a self etching primer and finish with a gloss black rustoelum spray paint. They will last many years.
The powercoating will last forever though. I say spray them and see how it works and if you are unhappy you can always go back and powdercoat.