Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: 1964 Evinrude - Starflite 75hp

Posted by Trashman on 04/23/18 - 12:57 PM

I am thinking of buying a 1964 Evinrude 75hp "Starflite" that has been in 1 family all it's life. This would go on my 1964 Whaler (Sakonnet). If for now other reason than it's a beauty and in great shape, and only $500. Does anyone have experience with this vintage motor or any pros/cons? I hear it's a huge gas guzzler and might be a challenge for parts....but it's really unique. Thanks- Mike

Posted by Blackduck on 04/23/18 - 2:26 PM

The only real problem could be the selectric shift-

Posted by grizzly on 04/23/18 - 7:20 PM

I’d buy it just for the name: Starflite

How cool is that? Why can’t manufacturers come up with cool names like that anymore?

Posted by fitz73222 on 04/24/18 - 11:41 AM

Parts are plentiful for them since they made 10's of thousands of those engines but as mentioned the electric shift was problematic but there are a lot of used units out there just sitting in barns and piles. Evinrude stopped naming the different models around 1975 and the Starflight marque was always given to the V-4 engines from 58'-74' signifying space age and advanced technology of the day. I used to know the names of all of the models when I was a kid.