Posted by Graffix1977 on 06/17/16 - 3:20 AM
So I just bought a 1999 Conquest 21 and the engine just wasn't running right since I bought it... The previous owners had winterized the boat in the fall of 2014 and it sat in their yard till I bought it early this spring. I bought the boat for 13000 without a trailer. There is a mechanic at the marina I am at who the previous owners had do the work on the boat. The engine WOT would get up to 5000 RPM then it would drop to 4000 and stay. If you just brought it up to 4000 RPM it would run ok but any more and you would get the drop in RPM. The mechanic said it had to be a spark issue because it would run and not give any alarms suggesting any type of injector issue. Oh and fuel line and filters were checked as well. I started by buying one new coil... I swapped out each coil with the new one and seemed to get the same results. The new coil came with a new plug wire too. Oh and all plugs were new after being de winterized before I bought it. So sticking with the mechanics opinion I decided to swap out the other coils. Bam she is fixed! I took the mechanic out in the boat last night with his two young boys. They all said that she runs stronger now than she did she did in the 5 years the previous owners had the boat. I'm so glad that it was what we first thought. My mechanic told me the engine is solid with good compression all within range and I will get several years out of it as long as I take care of it... I hope he is right on that like he was about the coil... I don't want to have to sell my Harley to re-power right after buying the boat... If a get a few years out of the motor I can re-power and keep the Harley! Yippee!
Posted by blaster on 06/17/16 - 8:56 AM
Good story, glad it all worked out. Now, go use it as often as you can.