Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: RePower 87 15 SSL

Posted by GMfixer on 11/21/05 - 7:54 PM

any suggestions?

Posted by Joe Kriz on 11/21/05 - 8:23 PM


You don't say where you are located in your profile but if you are not in California, then you have many more choices than we do.

Depends on whether you want a 4 stroke, a clean 2 stroke, or the older technology 2 strokes.
Most all of the engines today are good choices and everyone leans toward their own brand preference.

The 15' is rated for a max of 70hp..
You really want to pay attention to the weight of the engine so you don't sit stern heavy like you might with some of the heavier 4 strokes. Compare the weights for the hp you want to put on it. Generally, the lighter the better but not a given.

Check the manufacturers websites for the weight information:
An E-Tec 60 hp, which is a clean 2 stroke, weighs in at 240 lbs.
A Yamaha 60hp, 4 stroke, weighs in at 237 lbs.
A Yamaha 70hp, 2 stroke old technology, weighs in at 228 lbs.

I think you get the idea. I'm sure others here with the 15' will give you more information and their ideas.

Edited by Joe Kriz on 11/21/05 - 8:24 PM

Posted by GMfixer on 11/22/05 - 3:21 AM

Thanks Joe. Boat iS operated in MI and FL it has a yamaha 70 2stroke 89 vintage. too rough and slow.