Posted by MCarpenter on 07/02/13 - 8:52 AM
I am currently running a 2000 Mercury 25HP Bigfoot, with out power tilt/trim. I am interested in running the boat in skinnier water for fishing and was hoping someone could provide me with answers to a few recommendations:
1.Size/pitch of prop. The boat usually carries two adults and a small child fishing
2.Recommended manual jack plate
Maybe its lack of experience but I am finding myself running aground at times. Because I am with out a power tilt, the jack plate should help me avoid these situations, correct? I find it is very awkward and inconvenient to constantly be pulling the motor up by hand during low tides while trying to step over the bench, gas tank, battery etc.
Thanks for your help. As a newbie, I have had a tough time pin pointing my configurations along with other owners setups to find a nice set up.