Posted by Joe Kriz on 04/10/13 - 3:47 PM
I thought I would start on thread on this subject as many people are using kicker motors along with newer main motors that weigh more then their older counter parts.
Here is a partial list of the new choices we have.
DF140A @ 407 pounds
DF9.9A @ 93 pounds
Total = 500 pounds
115 @ 408 pounds
F9.9 @ 89
Total = 493 pounds
115 @ 390 pounds
9.8 @ 82 pounds
Total = 472 pounds
I will let others here post what they have.
Honda is more weight then I would want on a transom.
Others with Mercury can fill in their info.
My prior 1986 Outrage 18' had twin Evinrude 70hp. I wouldn't want much more weight then this on the transom.
1986 Evinrude 70hp = 248 pounds
Total = 496 pounds
Posted by Joe Kriz on 04/10/13 - 3:53 PM
Here is the current weight I have on my 1985 Outrage 18'.
1985 Evinrude 150 = 386 pounds
1988 Evinrude 8 = 58 pounds
Total = 444 pounds
Posted by Marko888 on 04/10/13 - 5:20 PM
This nicely illustrates how Evinrude, was, and still is, the lightweight performance solution.
My franken-combo is currently:
1986 Johnson 150 = 386 lbs
200? Yamaha 9.9 elec start= 99lbs
Total = 485 lbs