Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Prop for 1993 Evinrude 60HP on a 1971 16 model

Posted by Swamp on 07/06/11 - 9:17 AM

Sorry to start another prop thread. I couldn't dig up much on this hull/motor combonation.

I'm wondering what the typical prop diameter and pitch should be for this combonation. I'm having an issue reaching max RMP and am having performance issues. I want to be able to rule out a wrong prop before I start digging deeper. I presently have a 13 1/4 X 17 3-blade aluminum. I have a feeling the guy who sold me the boat just put on what he had in the shop. I suspect a 15 pitch may be preferable, but really have no idea.

Edited by Swamp on 07/06/11 - 7:01 PM