Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Calling all members with early 1976 16/17 hulls

Posted by Joe Kriz on 06/01/10 - 3:17 PM

I agree Tom.

Still I don't want to sorta, kinda, guess... Maybe a curved camera shot?
A photo of the bow would really be evidence.
For now, I am going with really hard facts although I agree with you.

pre-smirk, non-smirk, Smirkless, all amount to the same thing.
If we were to consider hers to be Smirkless, then she would have the last one we have listed as Smirkless.
3B0352 Smirkless to 3B0394 Smirked would narrow it down to 41 hulls.

We would definitely be getting closer.
I don't know how close we will ever get but it will be interesting to find out in the future.

Thanks for your insight.

I did add her to the list as the last Smirkless with a ? ..... as the boat is most likely Smikrless.

Edited by Joe Kriz on 06/01/10 - 3:26 PM