Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Wax or not to Wax?

Posted by Guts on 03/10/09 - 10:09 AM

I spray the surface with a light soapy water (use a Windex spray bottle or like bottle) peel the paper side off the decal. The soapy will not let the decal stick to the hull. Now you can move it where you want it. What I do after getting it where I want it, is to take a terry cloth towel and begin to dry it from the center out Have also used a squeegee in some cases.then a towel.When dry pull the top part of the decal off slowly. Warning this is the way I do it May not be the correct way as according to the professionals.

Edited by Guts on 03/10/09 - 10:46 AM