Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Replacing wires under the rub rail

Posted by MW on 12/20/08 - 2:53 AM

This task can be confusing for the 1st timer, I too had that problem ('76 Sport 15). you remove the back screw (port) and remove the rub rail up to the light, the rub rail might fall out of the channel all the way around, when you remove the screw, don't freak out, Do a good job on the wiring up to the bow light. I spent about an hour hammering the rub rail back in with a rubber mallet and a 2x4, when I got to the stern I was about 2' short of the screw hole (wha happen) ? I pulled slightly on the rub rail to reach the screw hole, and it all fell back out of the track like a piece of wet spaghetti thwarting 1 hrs work, and leaving me standing there, feeling like an unskilled idiot who should have left things alone...Bing ! Idea ! light bulb over head... I stretched out the rubber a bit, while my father held it in place near the bow light, he followed it down the track while I held it slightly stretched, I released it just enough to reach the screw hole, and she locked into the track, I replaced the screw (took about 15 mins) SO THAT'S HOW THEY DO IT ! they stretch it ! A warm day helps stretch the rubber too, and it's easier to work with. Hope this helps.

Edited by MW on 12/20/08 - 2:54 AM