Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Old Yama Doesn't like me

Posted by joninnj on 07/16/08 - 5:33 AM

I would start by checking all fuel connections for restrictions, or clogs. Does the bulb prime? Was this a new tank of gas? if so try switching tanks. Do you have a water separator? If so time to check whats in it...

There is small plastic water separator/filter near the oil tank. I would empty this into a glass container and check for contamination and clean the filter (be careful have paper towels on hand gas will drip out). If there is water then you will need to drain the carbs...

This is fairly easy, on the opposite side of the engine you will see brass nuts at the bottom of each carb, they will need to be opened up and drained. Be very careful, do not drop them into the cowl...:o Actually they will drain slowly if just opened enough..

Then run seafaom through it at a high concentration in a 6 gal tank (aviod the spray type) you really need to have this stuff run through the carbs, soak, and sit in the bowls. You can operate the boat in the water while you do this.

BTW, I never never need to prime my Yamie, bulb always seems firm. Have you done service recently, Fuel pump should be changed every few years.

If this does not help then you may have deeper problem, carbs may need rebuild, and need to come off. You may also want to have the compression checked, although if there was an issues it would not idle normally.

Good luck

Edited by joninnj on 07/16/08 - 5:37 AM