Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Early Summer Barnegat Bay

Posted by whalersal on 07/11/08 - 4:00 PM

Well, it has been a tough week for me. My dog, Yogi, ate another rock, and is again in surgery today to remove it from her small intestine. Coupled with my ignoble profession, and the market's realization that in America there will never again be a sold automobile, airline ticket, or home, I have been pretty much in the dumps.

The water's healing elixirs worked wonders today. We motored everywhere, from Manasquan south to Tices Shoal, near Barnegat Lighthouse.

Any locals should recognize the Railroad Bridge; please note yet another 17 foot Whaler hull waiting for the bridge to lift.


From there it was south past Bayhead and Mantoloking on the ICW.



And Cap'n James is maturing at the helm.


Tices Shoal is a wonderfully clean boating destination, whose inviting crystal clear waters invite boaters to raft up, relax, read books, and walk to the shore, and across the narrow island to Island Beach State Park. IBSP is the beach the way nature intended, complete with dunes, clean waters, and a lack of homes and development.


And a few more Whalers in this picture:


Walking ashore:


Past some dunes:


Up to the beach:



And later, back to the boat:


By the way this picture I include, as it is my daughter, who my boat is named after. She won "best bike" last weekend for our town's 4th of July festivities!


Ok. I am recharged. I can fight again Monday, knowing America will continue to thrive. Thank you New Jersey Shore. I am refreshed!

Edited by whalersal on 07/11/08 - 4:22 PM