Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Need throttle help

Posted by jdizzie on 06/29/08 - 3:08 PM

Well, we (the outboard guy and myself) splashed the Revenge Saturday with a new Merc Prop (with no pencil) and still had the same problem. Still only getting about 4200 rpm, and the throttle would still fall back at WOT. We get back to the launch, and then..... nothing. No spark, he's saying the stator is shot. I guess there's like a high and low end to the stator, and that's why on land he's not seeing a problem, but I was having all the afore mentioned issues in the water.

So, he's changing the stator on tuesday, My new question is : Can I put a higher amperage stator on this old black max? Would it be better? And.... what do you all think about me buying this aluminum prop? If the prop wasn't the issue, should I go with it anyways? I sort of want to, just because I do not have a spare, and I've learned that it's good to have a spare ANYTHING when it comes to boating.

Thoughts and opinions are greatly welcome as always.

P.S. - I pulled that pencil out of the old prop, the rapture SS, it was jammed right through the side of the prop to the hub. Why it was there?, I'm still not sure.

