Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Offshore Fishing 5-30-08

Posted by MWH on 06/02/08 - 6:06 AM


The season is just getting started, finish that boat up and lets get it out there.

Hey Texas,

I got to tell ya I knew we were hitting our limit or near it. In perfect conditions, I usually cruise between 30-32mph. This trip though we were around 27-28mph because we wanted to conserve. I don't have a flo-scan but when we returned the fuel gage was showing we had 1/4 tank left (it was filled when we started). We probably burned between 130 - 135 gallons and I'm basing that on passed trips but I've never been beyond 65 miles in this boat so, 84 is a new record that probably won't happen again. I won't know for sure until I go fill it up and that will sting abit considering the price of fuel...We used ground up chum, "Alwifes" and I had a bushel of whole Alwifes to cut up and toss in the slick. Also, I had some "Little Tunny" from last year we used as the bait.


Hey you got to put down the beer and return those messages. I tried contacting you. We didn't see any other boats but did hear a couple guys on the radio, didn't sound like they found the fish either. Alot of freighters out there which would explain all the debris. Thought for sure we would have landed something in the break as fishy as it looked. Maybe next time.