Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Any Floridians on this site? Rendezvous

Posted by Brian7son on 04/18/08 - 6:35 AM

I like the Whaler Central site, but I think there are very few Florida folks on here. Nevertheless, I want to extend an invitation.

We are currently organizing a Boston Whaler owner’s gathering in East Central Florida. The date is Saturday, May 17, 2008. The location is Indian Harbour Beach, FL. You would launch your boat from the public boat ramp on the Eau Gallie Cswy.(SR518 exit from I-95), in Melbourne, then rendezvous at Dragon point, about 1 mile from the ramp. After that we plan to ride down in a caravan of Whalers to Marker 21 in the Indian river lagoon (about a 6 miles run). There are some spoil islands on the west side of the river. We are going to raft off and/or beach the boats, picnic and have cold beer, sodas etc. We plan to start at around 10 a.m. and go until the afternoon.

The folks that are coming from out of town are staying at the Lexington Hotel, in Indian Harbour Beach. It is a fun, casual, inexpensive hotel with a tiki bar and a pool, located across the street from Telemar Marina. Here is the link to the hotel:

There is no cost for this event other than what you pay for your food, drinks and hotel. Everyone brings their own provisions. It is a group of Boston Whaler owners gathering to have fun. We may have a cookout after the event with burgers and hot dogs. If you are interested you have a few ways to join us. You can go to the “Continuous Wave” website, sign on and go to the “Trips and Rendezvous” section. There is a post for: “Rollcall for 1st east coast GCBWOA gig on the Indian River”. Here is the link:
You can go to the link and advise us that you are attending. If you plan to come, let us know your boat type and how many people are coming with you. Another option is to just email me with that information and I will post it on that website so we have a general idea of how many folks are coming.

We hope to see you there. It should be a fun time.
