Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Restored 15 with rebuilt 70 evinrude

Posted by whaler12345 on 02/24/23 - 11:44 AM

I have a 1986 15 that I restored this year. The Evinrude is a 1983 70 which I rebuilt with new crank, pistons etc. It is still in break-in mode having put about 20 hours on it this past year. Brought back to the guys that rebuild the head for me and had them do a once over. Everything they said is looking great, but it still has more break in to go. They torqued the head bolts, adjusted timing, synced carbs, adjusted what ever they could. So, there is one last thing I wan to do with this and that is replace the prop on it. It came with a 14x17 aluminum #176214. The guys looked at the engine height and thought I nailed the motor position.

So, what recommendations do folks suggest for a new propeller? I'd like to go Stainless. Have been looking at the Viper #763930 14x17.

A picture for your amusement...

Edited by whaler12345 on 02/24/23 - 11:45 AM

Posted by whaler12345 on 02/24/23 - 11:48 AM

One more picture before new interior......