Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Green Line Crack on 17 Montauk

Posted by wrangler on 01/29/18 - 9:05 AM

I have a 1979 Montauk with the 90 HP 4 stroke Yamaha. Its alternator puts out 25 AMPS.
If you have a lot of electronics (GPS, Radio, Depth Finder, live well) etc, you may need that amperage to not kill the battery. A smaller engine has LESS amps output.
The 70 HP Yamaha puts out 18. I need at least 20, so the 90 hp is OK. Anything smaller and it will not work for me. Something else to consider.

Edited by wrangler on 01/29/18 - 9:06 AM