Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: scuppers

Posted by salmonboy on 12/01/16 - 10:24 AM

Phil, Its not a serious problem at all. I use my boat mostly for fishing and in the course get lots of scales, blood and the such on deck. I then flush the deck with salt water often to keep from stepping on and spreading the mess. Are you suggesting a Ø1 5/8 hole in the side wall near the location of the BW decal would compromise the structure of an 18? The link below is to view Hoosier Gal's (20') photos. The first photo shows a scupper just below the Whaler decal. My Dad's 20' had those also. Its great to help get water off deck and not having to use just a pump.

Edited by Phil T on 12/01/16 - 10:50 AM