Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Considering a Montauk 17 for our family.

Posted by Perichbrothers on 09/09/16 - 9:22 PM

It's tricky just cause there is seating doesn't mean it can actually be used.
It all depends on the engine weight, people weight, junk you bring/cooler, fuel tank location, water roughness and speed...more I'm sure...
We've got an older 16'7" custom with a back bench that nobody sits on under way. We only use it when anchored and diving or lounging. Our hull rides better with the weight more centered and there are noticeable changes with moving kids.
My wife never goes out (ok twice) so usually it's me and 3 kids and sometimes their friends. It's tight but we have fun!
If you get a chance have the family pile onto the boat you like even on the trailer. It'll be obvious if you think it's doable.