Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Rust-Tools-Freshwater

Posted by gchuba on 04/25/16 - 5:20 PM

I have a booklet entitled ABCs of California Boating. Published by the State of California Department of Waterways. I hope some one in the club could post a link. Page 45 has a checklist. I have all on the items listed (including "desired") as well as EPIRB and getting a liferaft (I know it is an overkill and too cumbersome for 20' and under). Great check example is "life ring" vs flotation device. For tools.....I have crawled over and installed all in my boat. Electrical butt connectors/terminals a real simple non room taking must have. I have the WestMarine carrying case cheapo tool kit. I have space for the unit but you can modify the container and strimline the goodies to what works with your boat. Put in a bungee container or such. Even a freezer bag. I usually misplace them before they get too rusted to use. Vice grips a must.

For practice with the shroud and match the fuse for the motor. Extremely happy I did so 2 yeas ago when my Whaler was actually getting wet. I might be still drifting out there.
