Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Forthcoming Book on the Whaler

Posted by bradsc on 01/03/16 - 3:23 PM

Sounds like a great topic!

My favorite Whaler story was when we were at the Islamorada Hump off the Florida Keys. It was fairly rough with 4-5 footers with some white caps. Pretty typical for what we see when we go offshore in South Carolina. We were the only boat out there and just pulling ballyhoo back and forth over the hump. We noticed a boat getting closer and it was a Coast Guard rescue boat with 3 men all decked out in helmets, wet suits and life vest. They pulled up along side and yelled asking if we were OK. We showed them 2 nice dolphin and we were doing great. They smiled and hollered "Oh you guys are in a whaler" then waved, we saluted and they went on their way.