Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Rail repair

Posted by gchuba on 07/06/15 - 2:28 PM

I have scrap pieces of teak around. I just whittle off a piece from the scrap. If you do not have scrap teak....any hard wood would work (oak and the like). Maybe even a hardwood dowel as a donor. I dry fit it so the wood shim/splinter does not take up all the space. You can make a longer piece and hold it and fit it into the hole . Try the screw...if it does not have a bite, back off the screw and slide in a slightly thicker portion of the splinter. If you jam in too much wood the screw does not take and off sets to one side. You lose the original pilot hole. This method gets the old hole to work without a complete plugging (where Marc-B was heading). Sometimes two small splinters on either side. Each hole is different.