Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Splash down today on my restored 1969 13' Whaler

Posted by CaptSpike on 04/18/15 - 12:05 PM

Pretty great day. My wife and I shook down the 13' Whaler her father had bought brand new in 1969 and I restored. after we got the boat when her father passed away. It took me a while and I got pretty discouraged at times but today was all worth it. It is by no means a perfect job and it took me a while to grab onto that. It is a solid job and 1000 times better than it was when received. I can now fish out of it again and make some more good memories!
I'll add a couple pictures to my personal page.

Posted by Joe Kriz on 04/18/15 - 12:22 PM

Looks real nice. Good Job.
You should have many more years of enjoyment.