Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Lake Winnipesaukee

Posted by ursaminor on 03/26/17 - 2:03 PM

Good question, that was the case for many years. For at least the last ten years NH has reciprocated on out of state boat registrations in inland lakes for a period of time. It's at least 30 days, I'd have to look it up to be sure of the exact time before they would require you to register in state.

You will need a NASBLA approved safe boating certificate and be aware that NH law is headway speed if within 150 feet of shore, another boat or swimmers. NH inland aids to navigation are different than coastal or other states inland markers, I'd recommend a lake specific chart. Check the NH DPS website (Marine Patrol) for specifics, hope to see you out and about this summer.