Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: All Whaler Owners On Long Island

Posted by brooks89 on 03/15/13 - 6:17 AM

One of the few silver linings of Hurricane Sandy is the breach opened on Fire Island in the midst of the Otis Pike Wilderness Area. The breach is an opportunity to allow nature to take it's course and flush out the Great South Bay on Long Island's South Shore. All the empirical evidence shows the new inlet is not affecting the tidal range in the bay. Unfortunately some misinformed politicians and bureaucrats are blaming the inlet for recent high tides instead of the normal astronomical high spring tides coupled with the recent nor'easter on the east coast.

I can tell you from personal observation the bay is cleaner, clearer, and the birds are working bait fish nearby the inlet on a regular basis. If you boat in this area, now's the time to contact your senator, congressman, etc and tell them to leave the inlet alone. Here is a link to a petition on CHANGE.ORG where you can add your name to the list and read more about the issue:

I urge you all to read it and if inclined join the petition.

Edited by brooks89 on 03/15/13 - 7:17 AM