Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: 1985 13' SS wiring project

Posted by Tanked on 09/20/10 - 12:05 PM

i'm almost done with the wiring. i've decided to mount fuse box and distr. block under the console.

there was already a hole in the hull to the rub rail for the bow light in the stern so I'm going to route the bow light wires back from console to the stern. to connect to bow light and stern light.

any suggestions on wiring conduit? or conduit hull connector to cover the hole for the wire to the rub rail and wire to the stern light.

i'd like to make it as clean as possible.

i'll post pictures as soon as i get a chance. busy days.

Edited by Joe Kriz on 05/05/11 - 2:36 AM